St. Paul-Resurrection ACTS Retreat – June 8-11, 2023

ACTS stands for Adoration, Community, Theology and Service.  ACTS retreats  help us strengthen our faith, renew ourselves spiritually, build lasting friendships, and serve our pastorate. ACTS Retreats are given by…

Cooking at Our Daily Bread, July 8, 9-12pm

We will be cooking hotdogs and hamburgers for Our Daily Bread.  We will meet at the hall at 9am and drive the supplies to Our Daily Bread.  If you can…

Cooking at My Brothers Keeper July 15, 9-12pm

We will be cooking hotdogs and hamburgers for My Brothers Keeper.  We will meet at the hall at 9am and drive the supplies to MBK.  If you can help please…

Adoration Revival – 40 hour Devotion, July 20-22

St. Paul Paish Ellicott City, MD, United States

Join us for a 40-hour adoration at St Pauls.  Volunteers Needed Please sign up using the following link:!/showSignUp/9040b44aaad2aa6f58-stpaul/4034465  2 hour shifts are recommended.  Questions?  Contact Matt Graeber at