Coats for Kids, St. Paul, November 18 & 19

St. Paul Paish Ellicott City, MD, United States

Winter Clothing Item Collection St. Paul's Parish - We will be collecting coats, blankets, and new socks for women, men, and children after all the Masses at St. Paul's Church.  We will…

Memorial Mass, November 20, 7pm

The Stafford Hall 2021 Frederick Road, Catonsville, MD

Join us for a memorial Mass to honor those Knights & widows that passed to out Lord this year.  Suit or sport coat attire would be preferred.  A meal will…

St. Paul’s Parish Fall Clean-up, November 25th 9am – 3pm

St. Paul Paish Ellicott City, MD, United States

Parish Fall Clean-up - Please bring a rake and tarp.  If you have a pickup truck that could help move leaves to the dumpster.  Service hours will be given to all…

Council Christmas Party, December 16, 6-10pm

The Stafford Hall 2021 Frederick Road, Catonsville, MD

Please join us for our annual Christmas dinner at our hall located at 2021 Frederick Road, Catonsville, MD 21228.  We will have great food and a combination of live and…

Social-Games Night, December 18th 7:30-9:00pm

Please join us for our social games night at Stafford Hall.  We will have light refreshments.  This event is fun for all ages. Cooking for MBK afterwards.